Viewing entries tagged
Peggy Hogan Photography


Using a Monopod as an extended light pole

This is a production image taken at the Oklahoma workshop on Day where I'm showing the group how to use a monopod with a Rotolight attached to the end of it to put the light exactly where you want it to go.  I made this little configuration back in February at WPPI which is where I found the Rotolights and the MogoPod by Carry Speed that I love.  

The reason it works so well is because the MogoPod is so fast to open and close while the Rotolight is very light so it's really easy to maneuver on the end of the monopod.  

I always tell my workshop attendees that one of the key lessons to learn by coming to my workshops is learning what gear you need rather than having it all by the time you come to the workshop.  Saves you lots of money by not having to buy things before you see them in use at a real shoot...



Comforting Tasha

Typically I don't have to do too much comforting to my workshop attendees during my workshop (we save that for the Supernatural Shoots), but due to Peggy Hogan scaring Tasha I really had no choice...:)

We were at this abandoned train station and Peggy kept running back and forth making Tasha believe there was someone in the building.  Tasha was claiming to see shadows but we ruled those out as just light being cast by the video lights.  Poor Tasha!

A fun time was had by all including dancing, many laughs, and great shots.  Thanks to all who came!



Posing Can be Hard to Do!

This is a fun image taken at my workshop in Oklahoma just last week.  Peggy was arranging the model and we caught a fun moment on camera.  Thanks to Sidney for being such a great model.  Thanks to everyone who came...:)



Country Bride at my Oklahoma Workshop

This image was taken at my workshop in Oklahoma of the beautiful bride Sidney White.  Sidney's getting married in a couple months and came to the workshop with wedding photographer Peggy Hogan.  I gotta say that I'd love to see her wedding because she is so beautiful and natural that she just gives you amazing shots.

We were going to use the reflectors for Day 2 but as you can see it was just too bright.  The crazy thing is that after this portion of the shoot the storm came in so we switched to shooting with flash, off camera flash, and video lights.  I told the group at the time that this was an example of just why you need to know how to shoot in all different types of scenarios...because you never know what the elements will throw at you.


Camera settings: Nikon D800,  1/3200 sec at f/4.0, 22mm at ISO 64, flash did not fire.  Taken at 4:46pm on May 8, 2013 by Jason Lanier.



You can't help but smile when you set up your Rotolights...and attend a Jason Lanier Workshop:)

It's all smiles whenever I break out the Rotolights at one of my workshops!  This image was taken in Oklahoma just a few days ago during my workshop there.  This was during Day 2 and the sun was starting to set which meant it was time ROTOLIGHT TIME!  

Thanks to Peggy Hogan (in the left with the big smile) for recruiting me to come out there and helping to make it happen.  I had a great time with you and it's so good to see that you did well as all the know I'll never forget off-roading in the minivan and Tasha's singing...what a workshop!!



Old School Bride in Oklahoma at a Jason Lanier Workshop

This image was taken just a few days ago at my workshop in Oklahoma which was AMAZING!  We were out from 1pm to 11pm and we even encountered a massive storm that threatened tornadoes...but we made it and had a blast doing so.  

This image was taken towards the end of our shoot in Earlsboro.  One of the reasons why I many times extend my workshop beyond the hours that my attendees pay for is because if I feel there is a teaching opportunity for light I'm going to teach it.  

This shot for example was taken at 8:07pm on Wednesday when technically we were supposed to all be dropped off and back at the hotel by then.  But I'm not a stickler on the time for my workshops because I truly do love teaching and helping newer photographers...looking for those "AHA" moments where the light turns on for them.

In this set it was particularly rewarding because this bride's photographer (Peggy Hogan) had the light turn on for her as she learned how to shoot in low light situations with the Rotolights.  I live for these moments and fondly remember celebrating it with Peggy when it happened.  It's so rewarding to help others improve...:)

I have a production image of this shot as well as video so I can show you how it was shot that I'll post later. This was in front of an old abandoned building and later on the owner let us inside to shoot...AWESOME! Gotta love that Oklahoma hospitality!

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/100 sec at f/4.0, 16mm at ISO 2000, flash did not fire.  Used Rotolight video lights.  Taken at 8:07pm on May 8, 2013 by Jason Lanier.
