Uncovering Covid-19 in America
Episode 2: Freedom

Freedom- How is Covid 19 Changing our Laws and and Freedom? In this documentary film we travel the United States to try and discover how our freedoms are being impacted by the outbreak of the Covid 19 Pandemic. PLEASE THUMBS UP, SHARE, LEAVE A COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!

In this film we speak with a Sheriff in New York about how he implements the directives given by Governor Cuomo. We also discuss the potential of being arrested for being suspected of having Covid 19.

We visit an Open NC Rally to see what their effort is about and how they are shifting public opinion on re-opening the economy. This is the location where I get arrested at the spot of the protest and get a first hand experience into what it is like to be arrested and thrown in jail during a Pandemic. Freedom is Episode #2 of our documentary. To watch episode #1 please click below.


For more information about our Uncovering Covid Documentary Series please visit www.jasonlanier.com/covid19 This documentary is a Jason Lanier Film created by myself and Emily Rinaldo. We thank you for watching and ask you to please share this video with everyone you know. Thanks! Jason Lanier

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